Why Do I (Still) Write?

Journal Kita
Published in
3 min readDec 31, 2023


In the spirit of reflective and nostalgic end of year, I revisited some of my writings from the past. One of it being: Why Do I Write?

What I didn’t know after I write that was how the following years would come. Turns out, the past two years was a blast as a writer. All of the points I addressed in my previous writings got granted.

#1: To pay the bills (& have more money)
— > I’m a copywriter in a digital agency
who also accept freelance writing gigs.

#2: To speak up (out, loud, and proud)
— > I attended (and got invited to) spoken word sessions
and even held my own solo spoken word performance.

#3: To hide…
— > There are still some unpublished pieces that
I’m not sure whether they will see the light of day.

#4: and seek.
— > I reached out to some writers which I enjoy reading
just to appreciate their mind and pieces.

#5: To connect
— > I have been going to online writing classes (shout out
to Ka Izzati’s les nulis) and gain more friends from those sessions.

From this short reflection, I’m really looking forward to my writing journey in the following years. There are so much things to look out for. For example, the word ‘ecosystem’ has been one of the topic I talk about with my writer friends. Pretty sure that I have people around me who have been holding their own building blocks to make the ecosystem. All we need to do is gather and make it real.

So, why do I still write?

I believe there are still voices that need to be heard and escalated. To live in a world that has been dominated by voices that don’t resonate with me is a sign that there are more of other ‘me’s’ who don’t feel represented by those narratives. It may be low-key feels like we’ve been gaslighted or told to feel or think a certain way just because a group of majority write about it.

Writers can also break the echo of stereotypes.

Writers can offer authentic pieces with more spices on the table.

Writers can move hearts and be a spark for movements.

The past two years made me realize that I want to unlearn some form of writing and learn liberation by writing in a more explorative way. I guess my identity as a (sort-of) academically thriving kid throughout my school years really made me submit to whatever was taught for the sake of getting an A. Despite the good score I got, I forget to take a time reflecting on the voices I’m reading. The echo of their narratives have been sitting on my mind for years, I tend to believe their way is the right way. Thus, I mimic and learn how to deliver words like them while not acknowledging I can actually have it in other ways.

I’m also thankful for my writer (and reader) friends who help me deconstruct my old belief. I have discovered more voices and styles of writing from the books you’ve read, recommended, and talked about. It was such two awakening years.

Being surrounded by writers make me feel my silly writing dreams can come true in a more easy way. It is no longer a solitary and individual delusion. It is an active conversation and collective idea. Whenever I feel like I want to stop writing, I think about them (the writers and the dreams). That make me realize, I still want to write. Not just for myself. But for them. For those shared hopes. For the greater good.

May 2024 be a better and gentle year for fellow writers. If we reach a point of crossing paths, I hope we can support each other through quiet whispers or brutally loud. I’ll accept both methods.

I hope to see you more between your letters.



Journal Kita

usually, i write more than this short bio. say hi through my ig/tw: @firnnita