people have been saying this is heaven for introverts, but is it? is it still a heaven when us, introverts, are anxious about the issue? although, we may not go any where or meet any one (a super plus point), covid-19 is putting a lot of pressure and thoughts in our head (at least in mine).
guess who just got back from a panic buying? my parents.
they brought three boxes of god knows what’s inside. my mother gave one bottle of hand sanitizer to each family members. i took it, but didn’t immediately put it in my bag. she knew because my hand sanitizer is still on the same place she gave me.
“mbok disimpen toh, nak,” she said.
we debated about this panic buying. they went to the supermarket without using mask. i know, i know, they’re not sick. but at this point, i am very aware of the risk they have. they are way older than me, have some health complications unlike me. i just want to protect them. so i played mom and dad on them.
“itu kan ada masker di kamar aku. kenapa gak diambil sih?” i said.
“ya kan ke supermarket doang,” said my dad.
“ya tapi rame kan?” i responded.
“kan ini ayah udah mandi,” he tried to calm me down.
“terserah deh,”
“ayah sama ibu ke supermarket kan mikirin kamu juga. makan apa nanti di rumah kalo semua gak boleh pergi. ngestok sabun, sampo, odol kalo semua gak boleh pergi,”
yea, okay. i lose. i left the table and they become the mom and dad again. at least i tried.
most of the household members gather around the dining table later at night. we eat and chat about covid-19, of course. the conclusion was only me and my eldest cousin who will work from home tomorrow. this is nuts.
“i thought your boss is well educated,” i said to my dad.
he just made the face. gosh, contaminated people. money, opportunity, and the rest of other things i don’t want to understand. speaking of opportunity, my boss also wanted to shift plans. let’s talk about social distancing for this week. re-schedule the previous topic.
besides talking and thinking about covid-19, i watched two movies: all the bright places and blue jays. watching all the bright places makes me want to read the book and try to make sense of the situation more. for someone who doesn’t read the book, it’s quite hard to understand what is the issue here. unlike everyday, everyday or the sun is also a star. i didn’t read those two books, but i can understand the film rightaway. the after effect of watching all the bright places is confusion. blue jay, however, made my day. i really love movies with meaningful conversation between two person. watching this gave me the feeling of when i watched before trilogy for the first time. the level of intensity is similar. there is only two character in the movie. well, before trilogy has more than two: there were the poet beside the lake, the driver, the performer, the fighting couple in the train. but this, blue jay. there is only one extra character who talked: the beer store man. aside from that, it is only jim and amanda who talked. yes, i cried. damn it. i miss being in a relationship.
my campus shuts down until april. all my friends are freaking out because we want to graduate this year. we have started to do trials and take data for our thesis. turns out, this rage and concern doesn’t happen only in my campus. some of my other friends in different campus lowkey complained also.
mau lulus aja susah banget sih, said one friend.
perhaps, my cohort is unlucky. back when we’re about to take the national exam in middle school, the ministry gave us 20 sets of different questions. even there were some olympic level type of questions. the first year of high school, change of curriculum. national exam in high school, computer based test. now, this: corona virus. i guess my cohort have to pray a lot a lot. we’ve been through a lot a lot.
i really hope this social distancing really do its work.